On-Demand Stores
On-Demand stores eliminate or drastically reduces the need for inventory while streamlining the order processing to meet client expectations. There is good news and bad news when it comes to using this type of platform and fulfillment solution. The good news is that you have less inventory liability and the ability to offer more products in your program. The bad news is that you have to wait 5-10 days for your merchandise because we have to produce.
Auto Login Module
The Auto Login Module allows a customer to login directly from their corporate site without having to create a new login or re-enter username and password. The link from the end user corporate site would contain the user’s credentials such as username, password, name, email, address, etc. This data would instantly and seamlessly update in the database allowing the user to enter the site and have all the necessary account information appear without manually entering.
Billing Module
Budget billing allows users to be assigned a budget for a specified time-period. The initial budget is tied to a serial number created in the system. The customer would login and create a user account using the serial number provided by the program administrator. At check out the customer would enter the serial number and the total order amount would be subtracted from the budget associated to that serial number. Once the customer has placed their first order the next time they login to order they would no longer need to enter the serial number and the remaining balance would show in their cart. Customers would continue to order until their budget reaches zero. At this time the system would not allow them to place the order. Once the budget was spent the customer could pay by alternative method such as a company or personal credit card.
After the initial budgets are set we are able to login to the admin area and view/update the budgets as needed. We deliver will monthly report showing every order with the total budget used.
Coupon Module
The Coupon Module works similar to how a coupon works at a retail store. A coupon code is created for a specific discount. During checkout, a customer would enter the code and receive the designated discount.
Coupons can be a percentage or dollar amount discount on merchandise in the store. Coupons can be specific to a product category, minimum dollar amount purchase, number of uses and date range. For example, a customer can receive $10 off purchase if they spend $100 or more. The purchase of the coupon module allows you to create unlimited coupons for a specified store.
Gift Certificates
Gift Vouchers are the most popular option. You also have the option to create gift certificates without having the customer prepay. Redeeming gift vouchers in a store works the same way as the gift certificate option. The difference being gift vouchers are billed to the customer when redeemed instead of paying up front. Typically gift vouchers are used when the client would like to offer a reward, incentive or offset a portion of the cost for an employee to purchase logoed merchandise from the company store.
Prepaid gift certificates are another available option. Each month a report will show the redeemed amounts. We can invoice monthly. Gift certificates are prepaid by credit card and can be used similar to a gift card you would purchase at a retail store and can only be used in the store they were purchased. Gift certificates are available in many denominations and are purchased through the store like other items.
Once the gift certificate is purchased the recipient can either print or email the certificate. Each certificate has a serial number associated with it. During check out the customer is prompted to enter the gift certificate number before checking out. The amount of the gift certificate is subtracted from the total amount in the cart. If the gift certificate does not cover the entire cost the customer will be prompted to input their credit card number or purchase order number for the balance. If the total amount of the gift certificate is not used the customer may return at a later date to use the remaining balance. Gift certificates have no expiration date from the time of purchase.
Logo Membership
The logo membership module allows you the ability to categorize users into memberships or groups. These groups can then be assigned different logos. The logos assigned to a particular membership will be visible only to the customers assigned to that membership. During the setup of the module, you create the names of the different groups they desire. The logos being offered in the store will be assigned to one or more of the groups. Once a customer is assigned a group, they will login to the store. Based on the group they were assigned they will only see the logos assigned to that particular membership or group.